PGSGC Bylaws

Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland Bylaws

Our operating bylaws were adopted in January of 1992. Changes were adopted on April 2, 2024.


The mission of the Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland is to provide a supportive atmosphere to foster and preserve the Polish heritage among all persons navigating their Polish ancestral roots.

Article I: Name and Background

The name of the organization is The Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland hereinafter, referred to as the Society or PGSGC.

The Society was founded at the first meeting on October 1, 1991 by Edward Mendyka and is an Unincorporated Non-Profit in the State of Ohio.

Article II: Purpose and Objective

The Society, a self declared 501(C)(3), exists to educate its members and prospective members how to research their Polish family history and heritage as well as how to utilize existing tools and techniques to advance their current research.  It also maintains a library of various books, documents and materials to support the mission of the organization.

Article III: Fiscal Policy

The fiscal year will begin on January 1 and end on December 31.

All expenses over $50 must be reviewed and approved by the Treasurer.

All expenses over $100 must be reviewed and approved by the Treasurer and President.

All expenses over $100 proposed by the President must be reviewed and approved by the remaining members of the Executive Committee and/or Membership.

Article IV: Membership

Individual: Any person interested in Polish genealogy is eligible to be a member of our Society. An individual member will be a dues paying member and have voting rights.

Couple: Any married or legally bound couple will pay the same dues as an individual. A spouse or legal partner may be a non-paying member and may hold office. As such, couples will have voting rights but be entitled to only one (1) vote.

Honorary: Membership with a limited duration determined by the executive committee or president and bestowed on an individual at the request of any member of the Society. Honorary members will be non-dues paying and will not have voting rights.

Perpetual: Bestowed on an individual at the request of any member of the Society after review and approval by the Executive Committee or by the President. Duration of a Perpetual membership will be eternal unless the member actively resigns from the Society. Perpetual members will be non-dues-paying members and have voting rights.

A Membership year is from Jan 1 – Dec 31.

Only one (1) household member shall be a member of the Executive Committee at any time.

The Society will not restrict membership or activity in the Society by reason of age, citizenship, color, disability, gender, race, religion, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Existing members may renew their membership on or before December 31 for the following year. Members who do not renew their membership by January 31 of the year following their lapsed membership will have their memberships cancelled. Members who had belonged to the Society in the previous year must pay the full annual membership dues regardless of when they renew.

A member dropped for non-payment of dues may be reinstated by the payment of the current year’s dues.

New members may join at any time during the year, but their membership dues will be prorated per month for each of the remaining months in the calendar year. Any prorations of 6 months or less will be charged for a full 6 months.  A new member is anyone who has not been a member in the previous calendar year.

The membership of any member or potential member whose words or actions are considered detrimental or injurious to the Society or its members will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and acted upon. The Executive Committee’s decision will be final.

Members volunteering service to the Society are not compensated. Reasonable expenses may be reimbursed after review by the Treasurer and/or President.

Article V: Dues

The annual membership dues of the Society shall be periodically reviewed and established by the Executive Committee and voted on by the members in attendance.

The cost of membership dues will be published in the newsletter and other communication channels as deemed necessary.

Article VI: Officers/Executive Committee

The elected Officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Society will be managed by the Officers who will comprise the Executive Committee.

Officers will begin their term of office at the close of the December meeting.  Each retiring officer will meet with their new counterpart to perform knowledge transfer and transition their role to the newly elected officer no later than the February meeting of the year following the election.

The term of office will be for two (2) years and shall follow the calendar year.

The Executive Committee shall have supervision over the business matters of the society and shall make recommendations regarding policy.

Any Executive Committee member or Committee Chairman not acting in the best interest of the society can be removed from their position by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Committee members.

The Executive Committee or its designee will monitor queries, invites, and other correspondence received via mail, email, and social media.

Article VII: Duties of Officers

The President will:

i. Supervise the activities of the Society, assist in carrying out the policies, and promote the purposes of the Society.

ii. Preside over Society meetings.

iii. Enforce all rules and regulations pertaining to the administration of the Society.

iv. Appoint committees and special committees as necessary to carry out the work of the Society.

v. Participate as an ex-officio member of each committee except the nominating committee.

vi. Schedule meetings of the Executive Committee.

vii. With approval of the Executive Committee, fill by appointment a vacancy arising in any office due to death, incapacity, or resignation of office for the remainder of the current term.

The Vice President will:

i. Assist the President in carrying out the duties of that office.

ii. Preside in the absence of or at the request of the President.

iii. Succeed to the office of President for the unexpired term in the event of the death, incapacity, or resignation of the President.

The Secretary will:

i. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all Executive Committee and general membership meetings.

ii. Submit written monthly meeting minutes in advance of each meeting.

iii. Amend minutes as required.

iv. Archive the non-financial documents and reports of the Society.

v. Conduct correspondence for the Society as necessary.

The Treasurer will:

i. Oversee and safeguard all financial resources of the Society.

ii. Monitor all income and expenditures of the Society to ensure they are appropriately approved and documented.

iii. Maintain accurate records of all funds and of all financial documents and receipts belonging to the Society.

iv. Submit a written monthly financial report to be distributed in advance of each meeting.

v. Provide annual financial reporting to the Finance Committee for review and approval.

vi. Ensure tax documentation is filed and current.

vii. Maintain financial documentation as legally required.

viii. Archive the financial documents and reports of the Society.

Article VIII: Meetings

The regular meetings of the Society shall be held in person and/or virtually on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM from January – June and Sept – December.

Meetings of the Executive Committee will be scheduled in person or virtually at least once a year. The Executive Committee or the President can request a meeting of the Executive Committee.

Article IX: Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a minimum of 8 members present at a Society meeting for which notification has been sent.

If a quorum does not exist, no Society business can be conducted.

The Executive Committee quorum shall consist of at least three of the four elected officers.

A majority vote of those present and willing to vote shall be necessary for action by the body.

Article X: Standing Committees

Membership Committee

Program Committee

Publicity Committee

Library Committee

Hospitality Committee

Newsletter Committee

Finance Committee

Website Committee

Social Media Committee

Technical Support Committee

Nominating Committee

In August of each election year, the President will identify at least three (3) individuals of the general membership, excluding the members of the existing Executive Committee, to form the Nominating Committee.

The nominating committee shall propose a slate of candidates to the Society at the November regular monthly meeting.  Nominations from the floor will only be accepted at the November meeting.

No person shall be eligible for an office who has not been a member of the Society for at least 12 months prior.

All officers shall be elected by a majority vote, cast by members either physically present at the December annual business meeting or digitally.

Ad Hoc Committees

The President, after consulting with the Executive Committee or at the advice of the Executive Committee, can form an Ad Hoc Committee to address open needs of the Society.

Article XI: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised) shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws nor with any special rules of order that the Society may adopt.

Article XII: Amendment of Bylaws Review and Amendment

These bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Society by a majority vote of the members present and voting, providing that the amendment had been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

Bylaws will be reviewed as needed by an ad hoc committee.  Any amendments proposed by said committee will follow the review and approval process stated herein.

Article XIII: Indemnification

The Society, as an Unincorporated Non-Profit, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the officers, agents, and servants from any and all liabilities that said persons may incur as a result of carrying out their duties and obligations to the Society, except for willful and malicious injuries to persons or property.

Article XIV: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this Society, a written notice shall be sent to each current paid member of the Society. After all creditors are paid, followed by a waiting period of two (2) months, all funds and tangible assets, or revenue from the sale of such assets, shall be distributed/donated at the direction of the Executive Committee to an organization or organizations having similar objectives as the Society.

Document History

Amendments were adopted in January 1992. Changes adopted on March 2, 2021. Changes were adopted on April 2, 2024.

Download PGSGC Bylaws 2024

Standing Rules

Annual dues will be $24 dollars

In the event of inclement weather, if Cleveland Municipal School District schools are closed, PGSGC will meet exclusively via Zoom.

PGSGC meets at:

St. Mary’s Polish National Catholic Church; 5375 Broadview Rd.; Parma, OH 44134