
The Quarterly Publication of the PGSGC

Our quarterly newsletter, Our Polish Ancestors, contains a wealth of knowledge about Cleveland’s Polish history, research tips, travel dossiers and more. New issues are emailed to members. Print issues are available upon request.

Our Polish Ancestors Sample Issue

Take a peek at a past issue of Our Polish Ancestors.
Our Polish Ancestors vol 27 issue 2

Our Polish Ancestors Index

The index contains issues from February 1992 to March 2024.

Submission Guidelines

The Polish Genealogical Society of Greater Cleveland is looking for articles to include in upcoming newsletters. Write your Polish story, suggest tips to help others with their research, create a tribute to a Polish ancestor, share old photographs of your Polish relatives, the possibilities are endless. Put your thoughts and stories on paper and have them published in our newsletter.

We have the following submission guidelines:

Article content should focus on one or more of the following:

  • Polish Cleveland, Polish history and culture
  • Genealogical research (specific to Poland or very general)
  • Preferred article length of 2-4 pages of original content with 700-800 words per page. Shorter articles may be considered.
  • Articles should be written in paragraph form.
  • Pictures pertaining to article content are also encouraged when the author owns the rights to the photograph(s) provided. If images are included, submit in .jpg format only.
  • Include an appropriate and informative title for the article.
  • We do not publish content related to other countries or cultures unless it is German, Austrian, or Russian when it specifically pertains to their involvement with Poland.
  • Refrain from content that could be political or biased in nature.

The editor reserves the right to accept and modify article content as needed. Articles may be refused at the discretion of the editor. The author retains the copyright to their work but grants PGSGC permission to publish it in perpetuity. Submissions should be emailed to our newsletter editor, Trina Galauner, at [email protected]. Thank you for your assistance!